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Who's in The Evil Lair?
Who resides here?
The Evil Lair is for everyone. At The Evil Lair we don't discriminate. All are welcome, Good AND Evil. A big problem with the current comic and collectibles industry is that people try to separate the "real" and "fake" fans. Here we believe there is no such thing as "fake" fans. Liking things shouldn't be stressful. We aim to make a space for all people to feel welcome, and free to ask questions. To have a place they are able to talk about things they like with out being ridiculed.
We also aim to provide extremely competitive prices and services. We want as many people able to afford the things they love. So we will always be adjusting and growing with the industry. If you have any comments or concerns with the way we do business please feel free to contact us and give us your opinions. After all The Evil Lair wont be be able to take over the Comic and Collectibles world with out some constructive criticism!